All conference participants (including all organizers and invited speakers) are required to fill the registration form.
KRW 170,000 (USD 150) for faculty/staff
KRW 110,000 (USD 100) for postgraduate student
KRW 80,000 (USD 70) for accompanying person
The registration fee covers the costs of conference materials, welcome reception (November 13), lunch (November 13-16), dinner (November 14), conference dinner
(November 16) and refreshments. The registration fee can only be paid in cash, Korean Won (KRW), at the registration desk when participants register at the
conference. We apologize for these inconveniences.
Deadline for registration: September 15, 2017
Deadline for abstract submission for invited speakers: September 15, 2017
Abstract submission for contributed talks:
-Submission deadline: August 31, 2017
-Final acceptance notification: September 5, 2017
-The length of contributed talks will depend on sessions.
Submit your abstract at the Topology Atlas abstract service system.
The registration form can be viewed from here.
-Knot theory session will not receive contributed talks and so if you would like to give a talk, please contact one of the session organizers directly.